ProFTPD Developer's Guide: Bindings API Functions

ProFTPD Version 1.2

Table of Contents

Bindings API Functions

  int pr_ipbind_open(p_in_addr_t *addr, unsigned int port, conn_t listen_conn, unsigned char isdefault,
    unsigned char islocalhost);
  int pr_ipbind_close(p_in_addr_t *addr, unsigned int port, unsigned char close_namebinds);
  int pr_ipbind_add_binds(server_rec *server);
  server_rec *pr_ipbind_get_server(p_in_addr_t *addr, unsigned int port);
  pr_ipbind_t *pr_find_ipbind(p_in_addr_t *addr, unsigned int port);
  int pr_ipbind_listen(fd_set *readfds);
  conn_t *pr_ipbind_accept_conn(fd_set *readfds, int *listenfd);
  int pr_namebind_open(server_rec *server, const char *name, p_in_addr_t *addr, unsigned int port); 
  int pr_namebind_close(const char *name, p_in_addr_t *addr, unsigned int port);
  server_rec *pr_namebind_get_server(const char *name, p_in_addr_t *addr, unsigned int port);
  pr_namebind_t *pr_find_namebind(const char *name, p_in_addr_t *addr, unsigned int port);

The pr_ipbind_open() function creates a new IP-based binding for the server given, using the provided information. The isdefault Boolean argument signals whether the given server is the default server, as per the DefaultServer configuration directive. The islocalhost Boolean argument signals whether the given server is for the local machine. The created binding is inserted into a list of bindings maintained by the Bindings layer. This function returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.

The pr_ipbind_close() function closes all bindings associated with the given IP address/port combination. The bindings are then marked as inactive so that future lookups via pr_find_ipbind() skips these bindings. Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure (e.g. there were no bindings for that address/port found). As a special case, a NULL addr can be passed to this function, which causes all bindings to be closed.

The pr_ipbind_add_binds() function searches through server's configuration records, and for each Bind directive found, creates an additional pr_ipbind_t for the configured Bind address. The SocketBindTight directive is honoured, if present. Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure (e.g. server == NULL, for example).

The pr_ipbind_get_server() function searchs the list of bindings maintained by the Bindings layer, and returns the server_rec * that is bound to the given IP address/port combination. Returns NULL if no binding was found for that address/port.

The pr_find_ipbind() function searchs the list of bindings maintained by the Bindings layer, and returns a pointer to the pr_ipbind_t associated with the given address and port. Returns NULL if no matching pr_ipbind_t was found.

The pr_ipbind_listen() function causes the server to listen() on each file descriptor in readfds, and returns the relevant file descriptor when a connection request has arrived. Returns -1 on error, such as when the fd_set argument is NULL.

The pr_ipbind_accept_conn() function uses a file descriptor returned by select(), accept()s it, and returns a pointer to the conn_t from the binding associated with that file descriptor. Returns the conn_t * if successful, NULL if not found or if the arguments were NULL.

The pr_namebind_open() function opens a pr_namebind_t, similar to an pr_ipbind_t, which associates the given name (usually a DNS hostname) to the server. The addr and port specified are used to associate this pr_namebind_t with an IP address, to which the DNS hostname should resolve.

The pr_namebind_close() function marks the pr_namebind_t with the given name, addr, and port as inactive, so that future lookups of pr_namebind_ts via pr_find_namebind() passes over it. Returns 0 on success or -1 on failure, such as when there was no matching pr_namebind_t found.

The pr_namebind_get_server() function searches the list of bindings maintained by the Bindings layer, and returns the server_rec * associated with the given name, addr, and port. If none are found, NULL will be returned.

The pr_find_namebind() function searches the list of bindings maintained by the Bindings layer, and returns a pointer to the pr_namebind_t for the given name, address, and port. Returns NULL if no matching pr_namebind_t is found.

Table of Contents

Author: $Author: castaglia $
Last Updated: $Date: 2002/07/15 15:26:19 $

© Copyright 2000-2002 TJ Saunders
All Rights Reserved