ProFTPD Developer's Guide: Authentication Handlers

ProFTPD Version 1.2

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Authentication Handlers
Strictly speaking, the authentication handlers are used for both authentication (that is, verifying that a user is who she claims to be) and authorization (determining what a user can and cannot do). A password is often used for authentication; a user's UID and GID provide "privileges" that are used for authorization. This combination of functionality separates ProFTPD auth modules from PAM modules; PAM modules are used for authentication only.

Authentication handlers allow a module to provide account information (password, IDs, home directory, and shell) and UID/GID-to-name and name-to-UID/GID mappings (used for directory listings). In order for a module to provide this functionality, it must export an authtable (via the module structure), and define all of the following handler names. Even if the module is not going to do anything for a particular authentication function, it should define a handler, so that a slot is properly reserved for the module.

Each handler accepts data via the cmd_rec structure and should return its data via the MODRET->data member. The mod_create_data() function is usually used by an authentication handler to create and populate this data structure properly, for return to the caller.

Defined authtable handler names are:

Use of the Authentication layer
An authentication module's handlers are used at various times during the lifetime of the server:

Cascading Authentication Module Order
The cascaded order of authentication handlers is similar to that of command handlers:

  1. If an authentication handler returns DECLINED, handlers in other modules are called in priority load order, just as with command handlers. If all handlers for a particular function return DECLINED, the core engine will assume that the operation failed.

  2. If an authentication handler returns HANDLED, the core engine assumes that the operation completed successfully, and will stop calling module authentication handlers. Most authentication handlers must return data if they complete successfully. Note that some void-style handlers do not have this requirement; ie setpwent and friends.

  3. If an authentication handler returns ERROR, the core engine assumes that an error has occured, and discontinues calling other handlers. Some authentication handlers, auth, for example, should use the ERROR_INT macro to return a numeric error code, such as one of the PR_AUTH_* macros in include/modules.h, indicating the reason for failure.

In order for this cascading mechanism to function properly and as expected, the authentication module author should provide handlers for all of the auth slots. Failure to do so means that the authentication module provides an incomplete authentication layer, and cascaded calls will appear to "skip" the module without reason. At present, mod_auth_pam exhibits this behavior: it is an authentication module, but provides no mechanisms for providing group information or IDs. It solely provides auth's "yes/no" answer.

This cascading structure also allows authentication modules the opportunity to be impolite, as when the module implements *Authoritative configuration directives. In general, I tend to discourage the use of such *Authoritative options. This design of the authentication mechanism allows for several different authentication mechanisms to coexist simultaneously, so that one could use /etc/passwd, SQL tables, and LDAP servers all at same time. The source which contains the information for a given username is the module that responds with the requested information first. Having an *Authoritative module, which would return ERROR instead of DECLINED from its authentication handlers, breaks this layering model. The AuthOrder directive (available starting in 1.2.8rc1) lets one explicitly set the order in which authentication modules are searched and was written specifically to address this issue.

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Author: $Author: castaglia $
Last Updated: $Date: 2003/04/25 15:45:00 $

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