ProFTPD Developer's Guide: The Scoreboard

ProFTPD Version 1.2

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What is the scoreboard?
The scoreboard file is a file used by the daemon to store statistics about each current FTP session. It records things such as the process ID of the session, the IP address of the client and server involved, the FTP command issued, the current working directory, file transfer status, etc. All of this information is stored in a single file, located using the ScoreboardFile directive. This file is in a fixed-length record binary format. This means that the file is not easily legible, however, the binary format makes for faster I/O. This is important, as the daemon is constantly reading and writing to the scoreboard, updating fields for every current session.

How is the scoreboard used?
The scoreboard is used by the ftpcount, ftptop, and ftpwho utilities, for reporting on the status of the running proftpd daemon and its current sessions. The daemon itself makes use of the scoreboard by using it to track and enforce such limits as MaxClients, MaxClientsPerHost, MaxClientsPerUser, and MaxHostsPerUser.

Scoreboard API
The primary object of interest, when dealing with the scoreboard programmatically, is the pr_scoreboard_entry_t, shown below:

  typedef struct {
    pid_t sce_pid;
    uid_t sce_uid;
    gid_t sce_gid;
    char sce_user[32];
    p_in_addr_t *sce_server_ip;
    int sce_server_port;
    char sce_server_addr[80], sce_server_name[32];
    char sce_client_addr[80];
    char sce_class[32];
    time_t sce_begin_idle, sce_begin_session;
    off_t sce_xfer_size, sce_xfer_done;

  } pr_scoreboard_entry_t;

For code that wishes to deal with the scoreboard, the Scoreboard API functions are as follows (from include/scoreboard.h):

  const char *pr_get_scoreboard(void);
  int pr_set_scoreboard(const char *file);
  int pr_close_scoreboard(void);
  void pr_delete_scoreboard(void);
  int pr_open_scoreboard(int mode, pid_t *daemon_pid);
  int pr_restore_scoreboard(void);
  int pr_rewind_scoreboard(void);
  int pr_scoreboard_add_entry(void);
  int pr_scoreboard_del_entry(unsigned char);
  pr_scoreboard_entry_t *pr_scoreboard_read_entry(void);
  int pr_scoreboard_update_entry(pid_t pid, ...);

The pr_get_scoreboard() function simply returns the full path to the current scoreboard file.

The pr_set_scoreboard() function is used to change the location of the scoreboard file. This should be called before the scoreboard is opened.

The pr_close_scoreboard() function does just that, closing the scoreboard file and releasing any locks that may be present on the scoreboard.

The pr_delete_scoreboard() function is used as part of the daemon cleanup, during its shutdown process, to remove the scoreboard. There is no reason to leave a scoreboard around when the daemon is not running (unless the daemon has a ServerType of inetd).

pr_open_scoreboard() is called to open the scoreboard. The given mode is the same as that given to open(2), and is usually O_RDONLY. If non-NULL, daemon_pid will point to the process ID of the currently running daemon for the scoreboard upon return of the function.

The pr_restore_scoreboard() is used when done reading the scoreboard. It restores the file position pointer of the scoreboard to the position it had before pr_rewind_scoreboard() was called. Failure to call this function after using pr_rewind_scoreboard() can result in corruption of the scoreboard.

pr_rewind_scoreboard() is used only when the scoreboard is to be read through in its entirety. Prior to interating through the scoreboard entries, this function is called to position the file position pointer at the start of the scoreboard. Once done iterating, call pr_restore_scoreboard() to restore the file position pointer to where it was, prior to the scan of the scoreboard.

The pr_scoreboard_add_entry() function is called when a client connects to the daemon, allocating a slot in the scoreboard to store the statistics for the session.

The pr_scoreboard_del_entry() function is called when the session is ending, to remove the scoreboard entry allocated for the session from the scoreboard file.

The pr_scoreboard_read_entry() function reads the next scoreboard entry from the scoreboard, and returns a pointer to the entry, which is stored in a static buffer.

Finally, the pr_scoreboard_update_entry() function is used to update each of the various fields of a scoreboard entry, each at different times during the lifetime of the session.

These functions, however, are for use by modules, and daemon code. For external utilities, e.g. ftptop and ftpwho, there is a slightly different API (from utils/utils.h):

  const char *util_get_scoreboard(void);
  int util_set_scoreboard(const char *file);
  int util_close_scoreboard(void);
  int util_open_scoreboard(int mode, pid_t *daemon_pid);
  pr_scoreboard_entry_t *util_scoreboard_read_entry(void);
These are functionally the same as their pr_-prefixed equivalents, except that they do not depend on the core code, thus avoiding many dependencies irrelevent to an external utility. These routines are read-only, since there is no valid reason for an external utility to be changing the contents of the scoreboard; such changes are for the daemon to make.

Table of Contents

Author: $Author: castaglia $
Last Updated: $Date: 2003/01/02 17:39:35 $

© Copyright 2000-2003 TJ Saunders
All Rights Reserved