 * ProFTPD - FTP server daemon
 * Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Public Flood Software
 * Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 MacGyver aka Habeeb J. Dihu <macgyver@tos.net>
 * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 The ProFTPD Project team
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * As a special exemption, Public Flood Software/MacGyver aka Habeeb J. Dihu
 * and other respective copyright holders give permission to link this program
 * with OpenSSL, and distribute the resulting executable, without including
 * the source code for OpenSSL in the source distribution.

 * Data connection management functions
 * $Id: data.c,v 1.89 2006/02/08 01:25:46 castaglia Exp $

#include "conf.h"

#include <signal.h>

#include <sys/sendfile.h>
#endif /* HAVE_SYS_SENDFILE_H */

#include <sys/uio.h>
#endif /* HAVE_SYS_UIO_H */

/* local macro */

#define MODE_STRING	(session.sf_flags & (SF_ASCII|SF_ASCII_OVERRIDE) ? \
			 "ASCII" : "BINARY")

/* Internal usage: pointer to current data connection stream in use (may be
 * in either read or write mode)
static pr_netio_stream_t *nstrm = NULL;

static long timeout_linger = PR_TUNABLE_TIMEOUTLINGER;

/* Called if the "Stalled" timer goes off
static int stalled_timeout_cb(CALLBACK_FRAME) {
  pr_event_generate("core.timeout-stalled", NULL);
  pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_NOTICE, "Data transfer stall timeout: %d seconds",

  /* Prevent compiler warning.
  return 0;

/* this signal is raised if we get OOB data on the control connection, and
 * a data transfer is in progress
static RETSIGTYPE data_urgent(int sig) {
  if (nstrm) {
    session.sf_flags |= SF_ABORT;

  signal(SIGURG, data_urgent);

static int xfrm_ascii_read(char *buf, int *bufsize, int *adjlen) {
  char *dest = buf,*src = buf;
  int thislen = *bufsize;

  *adjlen = 0;
  while (thislen--) {
    if (*src != '\r')
      *dest++ = *src++;
    else {
      if (thislen == 0) {
	/* copy, but save it for later */
	*dest++ = *src++;
      } else {
	if (*(src+1) == '\n') { /* skip */
	} else
	  *dest++ = *src++;

  return *bufsize;

/* this function rewrites the contents of the given buffer, making sure that
 * each LF has a preceding CR, as required by RFC959:
 *  buf = pointer to a buffer
 *  buflen = length of data in buffer
 *  bufsize = total size of buffer
 *  expand = will contain the number of expansion bytes (CRs) added,
 *           and should be the difference between buflen's original
 *           value and its value when this function returns

static int have_dangling_cr = FALSE;
static unsigned int xfrm_ascii_write(char **buf, unsigned int *buflen,
    unsigned int bufsize) {
  char *tmpbuf = *buf;
  unsigned int tmplen = *buflen;
  unsigned int lfcount = 0;
  unsigned int added = 0;

  int res = 0;
  register unsigned int i = 0;

  /* First, determine how many bare LFs are present. */
  if (!have_dangling_cr && tmpbuf[0] == '\n')

  for (i = 1; i < tmplen; i++)
    if (tmpbuf[i] == '\n' && tmpbuf[i-1] != '\r')

  /* If the last character in the buffer is CR, then we have a dangling CR.
   * The first character in the next buffer could be an LF, and without
   * this flag, that LF would be treated as a bare LF, thus resulting in
   * an added extraneous CR in the stream.
  have_dangling_cr = (tmpbuf[tmplen-1] == '\r') ? TRUE : FALSE;

  if (lfcount == 0)
    /* No translation needed. */
    return 0;

  /* Assume that for each LF (including a leading LF), space for another
   * char (a '\r') is needed.  Determine whether there is enough space in
   * the buffer for the adjusted data.  If not, allocate a new buffer that is
   * large enough.  The new buffer is allocated from session.xfer.p, which is
   * fine; this pool has a lifetime only for this current data transfer, and
   * will be cleared after the transfer is done, either having succeeded or
   * failed.
   * Note: the res variable is needed in order to force signedness of the
   * resulting difference.  Without it, this condition would never evaluate
   * to true, as C's promotion rules would ensure that the resulting value
   * would be of the same type as the operands: an unsigned int (which will
   * never be less than zero).
  if ((res = (bufsize - tmplen - lfcount)) <= 0) {
    char *copybuf = malloc(tmplen);
    if (!copybuf) {
      pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_ERR, "fatal: memory exhausted");

    memcpy(copybuf, tmpbuf, tmplen);

    /* Allocate a new session.xfer.buf of the needed size. */
    session.xfer.bufsize = tmplen + lfcount + 1;
    session.xfer.buf = pcalloc(session.xfer.p, session.xfer.bufsize);

    memcpy(session.xfer.buf, copybuf, tmplen);

    copybuf = NULL;

    tmpbuf = session.xfer.buf;
    bufsize = session.xfer.bufsize;

  if (tmpbuf[0] == '\n') {

    /* Shift everything in the buffer to the right one character, making
     * space for a '\r'
    memmove(&(tmpbuf[1]), &(tmpbuf[0]), tmplen);
    tmpbuf[0] = '\r';

    /* Increment the number of added characters, and decrement the number
     * of bare LFs.

  for (i = 1; i < bufsize && (lfcount > 0); i++) {
    if (tmpbuf[i] == '\n' && tmpbuf[i-1] != '\r') {
      memmove(&(tmpbuf[i+1]), &(tmpbuf[i]), bufsize - i - 1);
      tmpbuf[i] = '\r';

  *buf = tmpbuf;
  *buflen = tmplen + added;

  return added;

static void data_new_xfer(char *filename, int direction) {
  if (session.xfer.p) {
    memset(&session.xfer, 0, sizeof(session.xfer));

  session.xfer.p = make_sub_pool(session.pool);
  pr_pool_tag(session.xfer.p, "session.xfer pool");

  session.xfer.filename = pstrdup(session.xfer.p, filename);
  session.xfer.direction = direction;
  session.xfer.bufsize = PR_TUNABLE_XFER_BUFFER_SIZE;
  session.xfer.buf = pcalloc(session.xfer.p, PR_TUNABLE_XFER_BUFFER_SIZE + 1);
  session.xfer.buf++;	/* leave room for ascii translation */
  session.xfer.buflen = 0;

static int data_pasv_open(char *reason, off_t size) {
  conn_t *c;
  int rev;

  if (!reason && session.xfer.filename)
    reason = session.xfer.filename;

  /* Set the "stalled" timer, if any, to prevent the connection
   * open from taking too long
  if (TimeoutStalled)
    pr_timer_add(TimeoutStalled, TIMER_STALLED, NULL, stalled_timeout_cb);

  /* We save the state of our current disposition for doing reverse
   * lookups, and then set it to what the configuration wants it to
   * be.
  rev = pr_netaddr_set_reverse_dns(ServerUseReverseDNS);

  /* Protocol and socket options should be set before handshaking. */

  if (session.xfer.direction == PR_NETIO_IO_RD) {
    pr_inet_set_socket_opts(session.d->pool, session.d,
      (main_server->tcp_rcvbuf_override ?  main_server->tcp_rcvbuf_len : 0), 0);
    pr_inet_set_proto_opts(session.pool, session.d, main_server->tcp_mss_len, 0,
      0, 1, 1);
  } else {
    pr_inet_set_socket_opts(session.d->pool, session.d,
      0, (main_server->tcp_sndbuf_override ?  main_server->tcp_sndbuf_len : 0));
    pr_inet_set_proto_opts(session.pool, session.d, main_server->tcp_mss_len, 0,
      0, 1, 1);

  c = pr_inet_accept(session.xfer.p, session.d, session.c, -1, -1, TRUE);

  if (c && c->mode != CM_ERROR) {
    pr_inet_close(session.pool, session.d);
    pr_inet_set_nonblock(session.pool, c);
    session.d = c;

    pr_log_debug(DEBUG4, "passive data connection opened - local  : %s:%d",
      pr_netaddr_get_ipstr(session.d->local_addr), session.d->local_port);
    pr_log_debug(DEBUG4, "passive data connection opened - remote : %s:%d",
      pr_netaddr_get_ipstr(session.d->remote_addr), session.d->remote_port);

    if (session.xfer.xfer_type != STOR_UNIQUE) {
      if (size)
        pr_response_send(R_150, "Opening %s mode data connection for %s "
          "(%" PR_LU " bytes)", MODE_STRING, reason, (pr_off_t) size);
        pr_response_send(R_150, "Opening %s mode data connection for %s",
          MODE_STRING, reason);

    } else {

      /* Format of 150 responses for STOU is explicitly dictated by
       * RFC 1123:
       *  STOU Command: RFC-959 Section 4.1.3
       *    The STOU command stores into a uniquely named file.  When it
       *    receives an STOU command, a Server-FTP MUST return the
       *    actual file name in the "125 Transfer Starting" or the "150
       *    Opening Data Connection" message that precedes the transfer
       *    (the 250 reply code mentioned in RFC-959 is incorrect).  The
       *    exact format of these messages is hereby defined to be as
       *    follows:
       *        125 FILE: pppp
       *        150 FILE: pppp
       *    where pppp represents the unique pathname of the file that
       *    will be written.
      pr_response_send(R_150, "FILE: %s", reason);

    return 0;

  /* Check for error conditions. */
  if (c && c->mode == CM_ERROR)
    pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_ERR, "Error: unable to accept an incoming data "
      "connection (%s)", strerror(c->xerrno));

  pr_response_add_err(R_425, "Unable to build data connection: %s",
  session.d = NULL;
  return -1;

static int data_active_open(char *reason, off_t size) {
  conn_t *c;
  int rev;

  if (!reason && session.xfer.filename)
    reason = session.xfer.filename;

  session.d = pr_inet_create_connection(session.pool, NULL, -1,
    session.c->local_addr, session.c->local_port-1, TRUE);

  /* Set the "stalled" timer, if any, to prevent the connection
   * open from taking too long
  if (TimeoutStalled)
    pr_timer_add(TimeoutStalled, TIMER_STALLED, NULL, stalled_timeout_cb);

  rev = pr_netaddr_set_reverse_dns(ServerUseReverseDNS);

  /* Protocol and socket options should be set before handshaking. */

  if (session.xfer.direction == PR_NETIO_IO_RD) {
    pr_inet_set_socket_opts(session.d->pool, session.d,
      (main_server->tcp_rcvbuf_override ?  main_server->tcp_rcvbuf_len : 0), 0);
    pr_inet_set_proto_opts(session.pool, session.d, main_server->tcp_mss_len, 0,
      0, 1, 1);
  } else {
    pr_inet_set_socket_opts(session.d->pool, session.d,
      0, (main_server->tcp_sndbuf_override ?  main_server->tcp_sndbuf_len : 0));
    pr_inet_set_proto_opts(session.pool, session.d, main_server->tcp_mss_len, 0,
      0, 1, 1);

  if (pr_inet_connect(session.d->pool, session.d, &session.data_addr,
      session.data_port) == -1) {
    pr_response_add_err(R_425, "Unable to build data connection: %s",
    session.d = NULL;
    return -1;

  c = pr_inet_openrw(session.pool, session.d, NULL, PR_NETIO_STRM_DATA,
    session.d->listen_fd, -1, -1, TRUE);


  if (c) {
    pr_log_debug(DEBUG4, "active data connection opened - local  : %s:%d",
      pr_netaddr_get_ipstr(session.d->local_addr), session.d->local_port);
    pr_log_debug(DEBUG4, "active data connection opened - remote : %s:%d",
      pr_netaddr_get_ipstr(session.d->remote_addr), session.d->remote_port);

    if (session.xfer.xfer_type != STOR_UNIQUE) {
      if (size)
        pr_response_send(R_150, "Opening %s mode data connection for %s "
          "(%" PR_LU " bytes)", MODE_STRING, reason, (pr_off_t) size);
        pr_response_send(R_150, "Opening %s mode data connection for %s",
          MODE_STRING, reason);

    } else {

      /* Format of 150 responses for STOU is explicitly dictated by
       * RFC 1123:
       *  STOU Command: RFC-959 Section 4.1.3
       *    The STOU command stores into a uniquely named file.  When it
       *    receives an STOU command, a Server-FTP MUST return the
       *    actual file name in the "125 Transfer Starting" or the "150
       *    Opening Data Connection" message that precedes the transfer
       *    (the 250 reply code mentioned in RFC-959 is incorrect).  The
       *    exact format of these messages is hereby defined to be as
       *    follows:
       *        125 FILE: pppp
       *        150 FILE: pppp
       *    where pppp represents the unique pathname of the file that
       *    will be written.
      pr_response_send(R_150, "FILE: %s", reason);

    pr_inet_close(session.pool, session.d);
    pr_inet_set_nonblock(session.pool, session.d);
    session.d = c;
    return 0;

  pr_response_add_err(R_425, "Unable to build data connection: %s",
  session.d = NULL;
  return -1;

void pr_data_set_linger(long linger) {
  timeout_linger = linger;

void pr_data_reset(void) {
  if (session.d && session.d->pool)
  session.d = NULL;

void pr_data_init(char *filename, int direction) {
  if (!session.xfer.p) {
    data_new_xfer(filename, direction);

  } else {
    if (!(session.sf_flags & SF_PASSIVE))
		"data_init oddity: session.xfer exists in non-PASV mode.");

    session.xfer.direction = direction;

int pr_data_open(char *filename, char *reason, int direction, off_t size) {
  int res = 0;

  if (!session.xfer.p)
    data_new_xfer(filename, direction);
    session.xfer.direction = direction;

  if (!reason)
    reason = filename;

  /* Passive data transfers... */
  if (session.sf_flags & SF_PASSIVE ||
      session.sf_flags & SF_EPSV_ALL) {
    if (!session.d) {
      pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_ERR, "Internal error: PASV mode set, but no data "
        "connection listening.");

    res = data_pasv_open(reason, size);

  /* Active data transfers... */
  } else {
    if (session.d) {
      pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_ERR, "Internal error: non-PASV mode, yet data "
        "connection already exists?!?");

    res = data_active_open(reason, size);

  if (res >= 0) {
    struct sigaction act;

    if (pr_netio_postopen(session.d->instrm) < 0) {
      pr_response_add_err(R_425, "Unable to build data connection: %s",
      session.d = NULL;
      return -1;

    if (pr_netio_postopen(session.d->outstrm) < 0) {
      pr_response_add_err(R_425, "Unable to build data connection: %s",
      session.d = NULL;
      return -1;

    memset(&session.xfer.start_time, '\0', sizeof(session.xfer.start_time));
    gettimeofday(&session.xfer.start_time, NULL);

    if (session.xfer.direction == PR_NETIO_IO_RD)
      nstrm = session.d->instrm;

      nstrm = session.d->outstrm;

    session.sf_flags |= SF_XFER;

    if (TimeoutNoXfer)
      pr_timer_reset(TIMER_NOXFER, ANY_MODULE);

    /* Allow aborts. */

    /* Set the current NetIO stream to allow interrupted syscalls, so our
     * SIGURG handler can interrupt it
    pr_netio_set_poll_interval(nstrm, 1);

    /* PORTABILITY: sigaction is used here to allow us to indicate
     * (w/ POSIX at least) that we want SIGURG to interrupt syscalls.  Put
     * in whatever is necessary for your arch here; probably not necessary
     * as the only _important_ interrupted syscall is select(), which on
     * any sensible system is interrupted.

    act.sa_handler = data_urgent;
    act.sa_flags = 0;
    act.sa_flags |= SA_INTERRUPT;
    sigaction(SIGURG, &act, NULL);
    /* This is the BSD way of ensuring interruption.
     * Linux uses it too (??)
    siginterrupt(SIGURG, 1);

  return res;

/* close == successful transfer */
void pr_data_close(int quiet) {
  nstrm = NULL;

  if (session.d) {
    pr_inet_lingering_close(session.pool, session.d, timeout_linger);
    session.d = NULL;

  /* Aborts no longer necessary */
  signal(SIGURG, SIG_IGN);

  if (TimeoutNoXfer)
    pr_timer_reset(TIMER_NOXFER, ANY_MODULE);

  if (TimeoutStalled)
    pr_timer_remove(TIMER_STALLED, ANY_MODULE);

  session.sf_flags &= (SF_ALL^SF_PASSIVE);

  if (!quiet)
    pr_response_add(R_226, "Transfer complete.");

/* Note: true_abort may be false in real abort situations, because
 * some ftp clients close the data connection at the same time as they
 * send the OOB byte (which results in a broken pipe on our
 * end).  Thus, it's a race between the OOB data and the tcp close
 * finishing.  Either way, it's ok (client will see either "Broken pipe"
 * error or "Aborted").  cmd_abor in mod_xfer cleans up the session
 * flags in any case.  session flags will end up have SF_POST_ABORT
 * set if the OOB byte won the race.
void pr_data_cleanup(void) {
  /* sanity check */
  if (session.d) {
    pr_inet_lingering_close(session.pool, session.d, timeout_linger);
    session.d = NULL;

  if (session.xfer.p)


/* In order to avoid clearing the transfer counters in session.xfer, we don't
 * clear session.xfer here, it should be handled by the appropriate
 * LOG_CMD/LOG_CMD_ERR handler calling pr_data_cleanup().
void pr_data_abort(int err, int quiet) {
  int true_abort = XFER_ABORTED;
  nstrm = NULL;

  if (session.d) {
    if (!true_abort)
      pr_inet_lingering_close(session.pool, session.d, timeout_linger);

      pr_inet_lingering_abort(session.pool, session.d, timeout_linger);

    session.d = NULL;

  if (TimeoutNoXfer)
    pr_timer_reset(TIMER_NOXFER, ANY_MODULE);

  if (TimeoutStalled)
    pr_timer_remove(TIMER_STALLED, ANY_MODULE);

  session.sf_flags &= (SF_ALL^SF_PASSIVE);
  session.sf_flags &= (SF_ALL^(SF_XFER|SF_PASSIVE|SF_ASCII_OVERRIDE));

  /* Aborts no longer necessary */
  signal(SIGURG, SIG_IGN);

  if (TimeoutNoXfer)
    pr_timer_reset(TIMER_NOXFER, ANY_MODULE);

  if (!quiet) {
    char	*respcode = R_426;
    char	*fmt = NULL;
    char	*msg = NULL;
    char	msgbuf[64];

    switch (err) {

    case 0:
      respcode = R_426;
      msg = "Data connection closed.";

#ifdef ENXIO
    case ENXIO:
      respcode = R_451;
      msg = "Unexpected streams hangup.";


#ifdef EAGAIN
    case EAGAIN:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef ENOMEM
    case ENOMEM:
#if defined(EAGAIN) || defined(ENOMEM)
      respcode = R_451;
      msg = "Insufficient memory or file locked.";

#ifdef ETXTBSY
    case ETXTBSY:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef EBUSY
    case EBUSY:
#if defined(ETXTBSY) || defined(EBUSY)
      respcode = R_451;

#ifdef ENOSPC
    case ENOSPC:
      respcode = R_452;

#ifdef EDQUOT
    case EDQUOT:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef EFBIG
    case EFBIG:
#if defined(EDQUOT) || defined(EFBIG)
      respcode = R_552;

#ifdef ECOMM
    case ECOMM:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef EDEADLK
    case EDEADLK:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
# if !defined(EDEADLK) || (EDEADLOCK != EDEADLK)
# endif
#ifdef EXFULL
    case EXFULL:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef ENOSR
    case ENOSR:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef EPROTO
    case EPROTO:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef ETIME
    case ETIME:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef EIO
    case EIO:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef EFAULT
    case EFAULT:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef ESPIPE
    case ESPIPE:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef EPIPE
    case EPIPE:
#if defined(ECOMM) || defined(EDEADLK) ||  defined(EDEADLOCK) \
	|| defined(EXFULL) || defined(ENOSR) || defined(EPROTO) \
	|| defined(ETIME) || defined(EIO) || defined(EFAULT) \
	|| defined(ESPIPE) || defined(EPIPE)
      respcode = R_451;

#ifdef EREMCHG
    case EREMCHG:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef ESRMNT
    case ESRMNT:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef ESTALE
    case ESTALE:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef ENOLINK
    case ENOLINK:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
#ifdef ENOLCK
    case ENOLCK:		/* FALLTHROUGH */
    case ETIMEDOUT:
#if defined(EREMCHG) || defined(ESRMNT) ||  defined(ESTALE) \
	|| defined(ENOLINK) || defined(ENOLCK) || defined(ENETRESET) \
	|| defined(ECONNABORTED) || defined(ECONNRESET) || defined(ETIMEDOUT)
      respcode = R_450;
      msg = "Link to file server lost.";

    if (msg == NULL &&
        (msg = strerror(err)) == NULL ) {

      if (snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf),
          "Unknown or out of range errno [%d]", err) > 0)
	msg = msgbuf;

    pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_NOTICE, "notice: user %s: aborting transfer: %s",
      session.user, msg);

    /* If we are aborting, then a 426 response has already been sent,
     * and we don't want to add another to the error queue.
    if (!true_abort)
      pr_response_add_err(respcode, fmt ? fmt : "Transfer aborted. %s",
        msg ? msg : "");

  if (true_abort)
    session.sf_flags |= SF_POST_ABORT;

/* pr_data_xfer() actually transfers the data on the data connection ..
 * ASCII translation is performed if necessary.  direction set
 * when data connection was opened determine if the client buffer
 * is read from or written to.  return 0 if reading and data connection
 * closes, or -1 if error

int pr_data_xfer(char *cl_buf, int cl_size) {
  int len = 0;
  int total = 0;

  if (session.xfer.direction == PR_NETIO_IO_RD) {
    char *buf = session.xfer.buf;

    if (session.d) {
      if (session.sf_flags & (SF_ASCII|SF_ASCII_OVERRIDE)) {
        int adjlen, buflen;

	do {
	  buflen = session.xfer.buflen;        /* how much remains in buf */
	  adjlen = 0;

          len = pr_netio_read(session.d->instrm, buf + buflen,
            session.xfer.bufsize - buflen, 1);
          if (len < 0)
            return -1;

          if (len > 0) {
	    buflen += len;

	    if (TimeoutStalled)
	      pr_timer_reset(TIMER_STALLED, ANY_MODULE);

	  /* If buflen > 0, data remains in the buffer to be copied. */
	  if (len >= 0 &&
              buflen > 0) {

	    /* Perform translation:
	     * buflen is returned as the modified buffer length after
	     *        translation
	     * adjlen is returned as the number of characters unprocessed in
	     *        the buffer (to be dealt with later)
	     * We skip the call to xfrm_ascii_read() in one case:
	     * when we have one character in the buffer and have reached
	     * end of data, this is so that xfrm_ascii_read() won't sit
	     * forever waiting for the next character after a final '\r'.
	    if (len > 0 || buflen > 1)
	      xfrm_ascii_read(buf, &buflen, &adjlen);
	    /* Now copy everything we can into cl_buf */
	    if (buflen > cl_size) {
	      /* Because we have to cut our buffer short, make sure this
	       * is made up for later by increasing adjlen.
	      adjlen += (buflen - cl_size);
	      buflen = cl_size;
  	    memcpy(cl_buf, buf, buflen);
	    /* Copy whatever remains at the end of session.xfer.buf to the
	     * head of the buffer and adjust buf accordingly.
	     * adjlen is now the total bytes still waiting in buf, if
	     * anything remains, copy it to the start of the buffer.
	    if (adjlen > 0)
	      memcpy(buf, buf+buflen, adjlen);

	    /* Store everything back in session.xfer. */
	    session.xfer.buflen = adjlen;
	    total += buflen;
	  /* Restart if data was returned by pr_netio_read() (len > 0) but
	   * no data was copied to the client buffer (buflen = 0).
	   * This indicates that xfrm_ascii_read() needs more data
	   * in order to translate, so we need to call pr_netio_read() again.
	} while (len > 0 && buflen == 0);

        /* Return how much data we actually copied into the client buffer.
        len = buflen;

      } else if ((len = pr_netio_read(session.d->instrm, cl_buf,
          cl_size, 1)) > 0) {

        /* Non-ASCII mode doesn't need to use session.xfer.buf */
        if (TimeoutStalled)
          pr_timer_reset(TIMER_STALLED, ANY_MODULE);

        total += len;

  } else { /* PR_NETIO_IO_WR */

    while (cl_size) {
      int buflen = cl_size;
      unsigned int xferbuflen;

      if (buflen > PR_TUNABLE_XFER_BUFFER_SIZE)

      xferbuflen = buflen;

      /* Fill up our internal buffer. */
      memcpy(session.xfer.buf, cl_buf, buflen);

      if (session.sf_flags & (SF_ASCII|SF_ASCII_OVERRIDE)) {

        /* Scan the internal buffer, looking for LFs with no preceding CRs.
         * Add CRs (and expand the internal buffer) as necessary. xferbuflen
         * will be adjusted so that it contains the length of data in
         * the internal buffer, including any added CRs.
        xfrm_ascii_write(&session.xfer.buf, &xferbuflen, session.xfer.bufsize);

      if (pr_netio_write(session.d->outstrm, session.xfer.buf,
          xferbuflen) < 0)
        return -1;

      if (TimeoutStalled)
        pr_timer_reset(TIMER_STALLED, ANY_MODULE);

      cl_size -= buflen;
      cl_buf += buflen;
      total += buflen;

    len = total;

  if (total &&
    pr_timer_reset(TIMER_IDLE, ANY_MODULE);

  session.xfer.total_bytes += total;
  session.total_bytes += total;
  return (len < 0 ? -1 : len);

/* pr_data_sendfile() actually transfers the data on the data connection.
 * ASCII translation is not performed.
 * return 0 if reading and data connection closes, or -1 if error
pr_sendfile_t pr_data_sendfile(int retr_fd, off_t *offset, off_t count) {
  int flags, error;
  pr_sendfile_t len = 0, total = 0;
#if defined(HAVE_AIX_SENDFILE)
  struct sf_parms parms;
  int rc;
#endif /* HAVE_AIX_SENDFILE */

  if (session.xfer.direction == PR_NETIO_IO_RD)
    return -1;

  flags = fcntl(PR_NETIO_FD(session.d->outstrm), F_GETFL);
  if (flags == -1)
    return -1;

  /* Set fd to blocking-mode for sendfile() */
  if (flags & O_NONBLOCK)
    if (fcntl(PR_NETIO_FD(session.d->outstrm), F_SETFL, flags^O_NONBLOCK) == -1)
      return -1;

  for (;;) {
    off_t orig_offset = *offset;

    /* Linux semantics are fairly straightforward in a glibc 2.x world:
     *   #include <sys/sendfile.h>
     *   ssize_t sendfile(int out_fd, int in_fd, off_t *offset, size_t count)
     * Unfortunately, this API does not allow for an off_t number of bytes
     * to be sent, only a size_t.  This means we need to make sure that
     * the given count does not exceed the maximum value for a size_t.  Even
     * worse, the return value is a ssize_t, not a size_t, which means
     * the maximum value used can only be of the maximum _signed_ value,
     * not the maximum unsigned value.  This means calling sendfile() more
     * times.  How annoying.

    if (count > INT_MAX)
      count = INT_MAX;

    if (count > INT_MAX)
      count = INT_MAX;
    if (count > LONG_MAX)
      count = LONG_MAX;
    if (count > LLONG_MAX)
      count = LLONG_MAX;
# endif

    len = sendfile(PR_NETIO_FD(session.d->outstrm), retr_fd, offset, count);

    if (len != -1 &&
        len < count) {
      /* Under Linux semantics, this occurs when a signal has interrupted
       * sendfile().

      count -= len;

      /* Only reset the timers if data have actually been written out. */
      if (len > 0) {
        if (TimeoutStalled)
          pr_timer_reset(TIMER_STALLED, ANY_MODULE);

        if (TimeoutIdle)
          pr_timer_reset(TIMER_IDLE, ANY_MODULE);

      session.xfer.total_bytes += len;
      session.total_bytes += len;
      total += len;


    } else if (len == -1) {
      /* Linux updates offset on error, not len like BSD, fix up so
       * BSD-based code works.
      len = *offset - orig_offset;
      *offset = orig_offset;

#elif defined(HAVE_BSD_SENDFILE)
    /* BSD semantics for sendfile are flexible...it'd be nice if we could
     * standardize on something like it.  The semantics are:
     *   #include <sys/types.h>
     *   #include <sys/socket.h>
     *   #include <sys/uio.h>
     *   int sendfile(int in_fd, int out_fd, off_t offset, size_t count,
     *                struct sf_hdtr *hdtr, off_t *len, int flags)
     *  The comments above, about size_t versus off_t, apply here as
     *  well.  Except that BSD's sendfile() uses an off_t * for returning
     *  the number of bytes sent, so we can use the maximum unsigned
     *  value.

    if (count > UINT_MAX)
      count = UINT_MAX;
    if (count > ULONG_MAX)
      count = ULONG_MAX;
    if (count > ULLONG_MAX)
      count = ULLONG_MAX;

    if (sendfile(retr_fd, PR_NETIO_FD(session.d->outstrm), *offset, count,
        NULL, &len, 0) == -1) {

#elif defined(HAVE_AIX_SENDFILE)

    memset(&parms, 0, sizeof(parms));

    parms.file_descriptor = retr_fd;
    parms.file_offset = (uint64_t) *offset;
    parms.file_bytes = (int64_t) count;

    rc  = send_file(&(PR_NETIO_FD(session.d->outstrm)), &(parms), (uint_t)0);
    len = (int) parms.bytes_sent;

    if (rc == -1 || rc == 1) {

#endif /* HAVE_AIX_SENDFILE */

      /* IMO, BSD's semantics are warped.  Apparently, since we have our
       * alarms tagged SA_INTERRUPT (allowing system calls to be
       * interrupted - primarily for select), BSD will interrupt a
       * sendfile operation as well, so we have to catch and handle this
       * case specially.  It should also be noted that the sendfile(2) man
       * page doesn't state any of this.
       * HP/UX has the same semantics, however, EINTR is well documented
       * as a side effect in the sendfile(2) man page.  HP/UX, however,
       * is implemented horribly wrong.  If a signal would result in
       * -1 being returned and EINTR being set, what ACTUALLY happens is
       * that errno is cleared and the number of bytes written is returned.
       * For obvious reasons, HP/UX sendfile is not supported yet.
      if (errno == EINTR) {

        /* If we got everything in this transaction, we're done. */
        if (len >= count)

          count -= len;

	*offset += len;
	if (TimeoutStalled)
	  pr_timer_reset(TIMER_STALLED, ANY_MODULE);
	if (TimeoutIdle)
	  pr_timer_reset(TIMER_IDLE, ANY_MODULE);
	session.xfer.total_bytes += len;
	session.total_bytes += len;
	total += len;

      error = errno;
      fcntl(PR_NETIO_FD(session.d->outstrm), F_SETFL, flags);
      errno = error;

      return -1;


  if (flags & O_NONBLOCK)
    fcntl(PR_NETIO_FD(session.d->outstrm), F_SETFL, flags);

  if (TimeoutStalled)
    pr_timer_reset(TIMER_STALLED, ANY_MODULE);

  if (TimeoutIdle)
    pr_timer_reset(TIMER_IDLE, ANY_MODULE);

  session.xfer.total_bytes += len;
  session.total_bytes += len;
  total += len;

  return total;
#endif /* HAVE_SENDFILE */

Last Updated: Thu Feb 23 11:07:11 2006

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